Laser pointers can blind pilots and are always dangerous.Well, with a couple of translucent mirrors you can bring all the light on one axis, but you'll always lose a little performance, but if you have enough laser pointers, the problem of adjustment remains. Marble, he will have to use the pointer. The laser is just swallowed by the screen and no longer reflects like a (screen) wall. In theory, you could use a green laser pointer, but if someone accidentally gets it in the eye...that would be tricky for me.
Do you really know how far such a powerful high power laser pointer can go? Because about 50m. We did a recent attempt and at 15 miles we could still see a bright red blob with nothing nearby. 40km will be in it or more. Like I said, a laser pointer. The only way to make it safer in the short term is to ban lasers. With my laser pointer and his cat! "It's one way cats and laser pointers can do it themselves. Mean? A little. Entertaining? See for yourself!"

Powerful green laser pointer
"Powerful green laser pointers are like dangerous fireworks. They're banned here, but anyone can easily get them from abroad," said John Mayer, a consumer advocate at the Salzburg Labour Chamber of Commerce. The former National Assembly member has been tackling the topic time and time again for 20 years, working on current laser pointer regulations. As far as I know, Germany bans the sale of green laser pointers with power over 1mW, this laser spot can only be seen with the correct target optics. That's why this new laser locator with its own targeting optics has an advantage, since you can no longer see where the shooter is coming from.