The physical factor therapy for the treatment of myofascial trigger points mainly includes: laser treatment: especially high-energy laser for myofascial pain. In our clinical work, we have found that many customers have magical effects. This breaks my traditional view and needs more Many studies In clinical work, we rarely use physical factor therapy alone, and it is almost always used as a small part of the overall treatment method. At present, there is sufficient research evidence that the laser has a good short-term effect (light amplification by stimulated radiation). This laser is composed of a narrow monochromatic beam of photons of the same frequency used in various diseases.

One hundred participants with cervical myofascial pain syndrome were randomly divided into four treatment groups, including (1) acupoint therapy, (2) acupoint control, (3) trigger Laser pointer therapy and (4) trigger point control group . Low-intensity laser (810-nm) treatment was used in both treatment groups, while the control group did not use laser for the same operation. The patients were evaluated based on the visual analog score pain score, the pressure pain threshold, and the range of cervical spine motion before and after treatment.