High-power green laser Pointers are becoming more and more popular. The green laser is an astronomical observation aid that can point at stars and celestial bodies. Green lasers in the green part of the emission spectrum are widely used for a variety of output powers. Compared to other wavelengths of the same power, green light lasers have relatively inexpensive needles at 532nm and are very popular due to their good beam quality and very high apparent brightness. Green lasers have a variety of applications, including pointing, illumination, surgery, laser display, spectroscopy, interferometry, fluorescence, holograms, machine vision, non-lethal weapons and bird repellents.

In different laser colors, select the strongest power on. Regardless of color, including (green laser, red laser, blue laser, blue and purple laser). If the actual power of 200mW is enough, this laser pointer is laser-focused and burns in 15 seconds, so it is the most powerful green laser pointer. The same power laser pointer, because of the different wavelength, the color combustion is very different. The greater the power, the greater the fuel capacity. Small differences due to wavelength are not considered, but directly affect the power. 300mW green is stronger than 200mW blue, if you think 300mW is not strong enough, then you can choose 500-60000MW powerful laser pointer.