Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

There is a very cool laser pointer

Very cool laser pointer, we are one of the first retailers to adopt this color. The 5MW blue-violet laser is unique because once it hits an object it creates a halo effect around that point. Its ultraviolet (black light) energy is also very dense. This means it will illuminate any fluorescent color you want and allow you to paint luminescent materials in the dark! This means that this "green laser pointer" can draw and write, making it the first laser pointer you can really write! In addition to these two types, there are more powerful lasers imported from other countries without warning labels. The imported special wavelength ranges from 532 to 1063 nm, and the power is 15 milliwatts. Among them, the 5mw red laser sold is marked as a "pointer" and its value is less than 5 milliwatts. When consumers buy laser pointers, they should make sure that they have the correct labels. Class 2 lasers have a "Caution" label with laser specifications. Class 3R lasers carry a "danger" label with laser specifications. The laser emits a special type of light.

Particle accelerators allow the study of the basic composition and basic interactions of matter. The TV/m-level electric field generated by the interaction between the 200mW intense laser pointer pulse and the ionizing medium has opened the way for technological breakthroughs, the plasma laser accelerator, which makes it possible to reduce the size of the accelerator. USB rechargeable laser application technology has made great progress and development since the invention of laser in the 1960s. At that time, people realized that nitrogen could be cut to obtain unoxidized edges, but the laser power was too low to be commercially attractive. The wavelength of fiber high powered laser is much shorter than that of CO2 laser. In addition to the main advantage that the wavelength can be transmitted through fiber, there is another significant difference, that is, the length of the d wave. These two lasers are used for cutting and welding with metals. . Ordinary light, such as light from a bulb or the sun, is composed of different wavelengths, colors, and phase relationships. The light emitted by the 1000mw laser is monochromatic coherent light. This means that light contains waves of a single wavelength and precisely defined frequencies. Coherence means that electromagnetic waves are all in phase, that is, in phase with each other. These characteristics allow light to be concentrated in the beam and focused on a small spot.

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