The most powerful strong Laser pointer is a powerful laser pen. Laser acceleration system with laser mouse and projector. The technical solutions we developed include a camera on the projector and a laser pen on the mouse. The left and right mouse buttons are associated with the left and right mouse buttons. When the mouse strong Laser pointer (left mouse button or right mouse button) is activated, the camera wants to limit the projected image to measure the relative position of the laser beam on the projected image. The mouse moves in the coordinate system, and the operating system moves in the coordinate system. By connecting them with the laser pen, Shi Yonghu can more accurately connect with the laser pen and Feng mouse. Only one person.

The powerful laser beam can be configured with modules, which are the objects that aim the camera at the position of the screen, so they are located in the center of the screen. These strong lasers pointer can be more widely used in on-screen multimedia activities, demonstrations, teleconferences, etc. He used lasers to draw public attention to the projector. However, all existing laser pens usually only include page turning, not mouse operation. If you use the mouse, the speaker must return to the mouse. Doing the right job or speech will quickly affect public attention. Researchers are interested in diamond lasers mainly because they can transmit energy over long distances and are rarely disturbed. This research may be applied in the fields of laser ranging, space communication or laser weapons. The newly developed diamond laser has an output power of 380 watts, which is completely enough to break through the steel plate. This destructive energy can also be used in the right way, such as eliminating space waste.