New laser users always have questions. Many laser pointers marked "20000 mW" cost around 100 to 300 euros. Why isn't our decent product available for this power range? Here's what you need to know:
1) The most important part of the green laser pointer is the luminous body, such as the quality of crystals and diodes, and the quality of the luminous body. Lasers can be very cheap and have a short lifespan due to poor quality.
2) Circuit design: Some inferior lasers increase the output power by strengthening the circuit. By overloading the laser circuit, a 100mW laser diode can be overclocked to 150mW or higher and work fine for a short period of time, but the overloaded diode will break after multiple uses.
3) The design difference of shell material and internal structure will affect the production cost.
4) The technical cost of different wavelengths and different powers makes the price different.
5) Differences between laser brands: each product has brand differences, a brand always has its own unique advantages, after-sales and other details will affect the price.

Notebook laser pointer
When you use a slide show, you will use some notebook or some organizer provided by the meeting organizer. In the latter case, there are several disadvantages: 1. The organization has your presentation as a file where you can do whatever you need to record, and 2. The organization's computer may not have all the necessary software installed. The demo software may not be updated to the latest version. Especially video data can be problematic - your video is running on your laptop, not your organization's computer (happened to me a month ago). Today's video projectors are smart enough to drive Windows and Apple laptops.
If you are familiar with lasers, you will know that it is technically impossible to make a 20000mW high power laser pointer. More importantly, power is not the only criterion for selection. What you need is to choose the right product for you at a low price.