At that level, though, the danger of infrared light alone is hardly lethal. Infrared is the most dangerous because it's invisible, so your blink reflex won't work until the retina starts to burn. If you need a high power laser pointer to get your dog or cat hunting, what you really want is a single-point, low-power laser. More important to you is the quality of the laser. If you want a safe and super bright laser for astronomical applications, use a green laser pointer, the recommended power range is 20mW - 100mW. The beam could be dangerous to pilots miles away, not hundreds of feet. The more powerful beam in the photo would cause a strong glare two miles away (the pilot can't see the light) because the hazard distraction is 22 miles away! Do not allow the beam to approach an aircraft or unknown star along a visible beam path or an invisible continuation.

Laser pointer for teaching
Laser pointers are often used as presentation aids by teachers and lecturers. A lower power laser pointer is sufficient for this purpose. Powerful lasers can shine into the night sky, and astronomers can use it to point out stars and constellations. Some researchers or scientists may also use them. In some jurisdictions, there are limitations on laser power. The laser pointers you can use may be limited. How powerful the portable laser pointer you get depends on what you want to use it for. To indicate objects, brighter is always better. If you want a clear beam in the night sky - at least 35mW, to light a match - 150mW, to light a firework fuse - at least 300mW, and to burn through thick cardboard or plastic - 400mW. However, you can enter countries without laser restrictions. The question then is "how much power is needed?" The absolute limit for this application should be around 50 mW. There is no objective reason to need more than 50 mW for astronomical pointing applications. Since the accelerated popularity of blue laser pointer in the 1990s, there have been numerous brands and models of laser pointers on the market. Depending on the power of the laser pointer, product size and cost, different laser pointers are suitable for different situations and needs.