A yellow laser pointer with a wavelength of 593.5nm has appeared on the market. Based on DPSS technology, two kinds of lasers with wavelength of 1064nm and 1342nm were obtained by adding nonlinear crystal. The complexity of the process makes the yellow laser pointer unstable and inefficient. The output power of temperature changes is 1-10MW, and there will be mode jump whether it is overheated or undercooled. This is because the size of the laser designator does not provide the required temperature stability and component cooling. Despite their domestication, many domestic cats still have a natural hunting instinct hidden in their DNA. Before domestication, a cat's survival -- and that of its offspring -- depended on its ability to hunt. While most domestic cats don't have much opportunity to reinforce their hunting behavior by chasing and pouncing, the unsteady motion of the laser pointer provides a way to hone those skills. When the green laser pointer zigzagged across the floor, or stopped to pinch it, it resembled the movement of feline prey (watch out, rats!). And provide an exit for trapped cats.

Diode laser designators operate in the visible light range of 400-760 nanometers (nm). These lasers emit power ranging from 1 to 5 mW. Using a laser pointer improperly can cause eye damage. Prolonged direct or specular light exposure may result in dangerous exposure. There are no known skin risks associated with high powered laser Pointers. Laser Pointers can solve many problems cat owners encounter every day. Cats at high altitudes are often snobbish creatures, they love to play and crave affection as much as any pet. Still, their claws and tendency to bite can be a bit painful while playing with them and showing them the emotion they need. So what's a caring cat owner to do?