All lasers have laser medium, energy source and resonator. The green laser pointer medium is a material that can be pumped (excited) to a higher energy state by an energy source (such as light or electricity). After being pumped, the laser medium can release energy in the form of monochromatic radiation. The resonator is an area that allows the released energy to accumulate before it is released. The basic resonator is a pair of mirrors located at both ends of the laser medium. One mirror is completely reflective, so all light that hits it will be reflected back to the laser medium; the other is partially reflective, so some of the light hitting it is reflected back to the laser medium, and some light passes through it and leaves the laser. Laser (English: Laser, Singapore called laser, Hong Kong called laser, laser, Taiwan called laser), is the abbreviation of "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" (English: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). Refers to a coherent enhanced photon beam produced by stimulating atoms to cause electron transitions to release radiant energy. Its characteristics include extremely small divergence, high brightness (power), good monochromaticity, and good coherence. The three elements of "excitation source", "gain medium" and "resonant structure" are needed to produce laser light.
Therefore, the formation of high powered laser pointer syndrome is due to your dog's inability to "catch" the elusive red dot, because the dog cannot acquire any sense of touch, smell or taste through play. Essentially, your dog's prey drive is triggered by the movement of the laser, but there will never be any real sense of relief from the chase. This lack of relief can lead to behavioral problems or obsessive tendencies toward visual stimuli (such as light, shadows, and reflections). Laser media spectroscopy is the study of media using laser spectroscopy, and the research may produce new laser systems. The spectrum is a band of monochromatic light that is decomposed into monochromatic light after passing through a prism or a grating of optical instruments that can produce diffraction. For example, the spectrum of sunlight is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. The laser has good monochromaticity and is a pure monochromatic light. When one kind of wave radiates inside another substance, the latter is the medium of the former, also called medium, such as a medium that propagates sound waves or a medium that propagates light waves.