This is thanks to a laser pointer diamond lens developed by scientists at the Optical Research Center and Fraunhofer Institute. The maximum output power of the previously developed diamond lens is only about 20 watts. So this research is actually a huge step forward. Researchers are interested in diamond-built lasers mainly because they can transmit energy over long distances and are rarely disturbed. This research may be applicable to laser ranging, space communications, or laser weapons. The newly developed diamond laser has an output power of 380 watts. It is completely enough to penetrate the steel plate. This laser pointer destruction energy can also be used in the right way. For example, eliminate space junk.

The wavelength of this diamond laser is 1240 nm. The wavelength is wider than the traditional red laser from 700 nm to 800 nm. The longer the wavelength, the less atmospheric interference it receives, and the lower the danger to humans. These wavelengths will not harm human eyes. The key to this research is that this diamond laser can improve manufacturing technology. The diamonds used in this laser are not from the underground. It was made in a laboratory. Now scientists have been able to make more perfect artificial diamonds. And laser pointers will get better and better with time.