Are you looking for a high-power high powered laser pointer? 10,000 megawatts? 30000 megawatts? These are not enough. I believe that many sellers are not very satisfied with the low-power and medium-power laser pointers they own. The current maximum power is 50000mw. Note: Whenever you use a high-power portable laser, you should not look directly at the laser beam or laser spot. In addition, please do not try to aim the long-distance visible green laser at moving vehicles, airplanes, human eyes or animals. Anyone using this type of equipment should wear laser glasses to protect the strong laser radiation. The 1000mW high-power green laser pointer is not a toy, but a powerful weapon in the hand. The first thing that needs to be pointed out is that the production cost of green lasers is relatively high, so the power usually does not exceed 2W. If you see a green laser marked "10,000mW", it must be a scam, and even the image may be unreliable.

If it is a flashlight, the wattage is usually 50-1000mW. Through overclocking design, we can reach 1600mW. The price of 50-200mw is relatively low. The price of 300mW+ is relatively high, mainly due to the high material cost and technical requirements. We have been focusing on powerful laser equipment and have extensive experience in OEM and ODM fields. If you need a Class 4 green laser pointer, you will be lucky to find us.