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Custom Laser Engraving Near Me

Using pulse-modulated high-power fiber lasers (average power 500 watts), the pulse repetition frequency can be modulated in the range of 30-100 kHz. When the frequency is 35 kHz, there is more energy on each pulse, so that a single shot can drill a large hole (such as a diameter of 140 microns when the screen is 70 lines / cm). When the frequency is 100 kHz, the energy on each pulse becomes less, so a small mesh is carved (for example, a screen with a diameter of 25 microns is 400 lines / cm). The operation of the laser beam is non-contact, and Custom Laser Engraving Near Me is a key advantage over electromechanical engraving using diamond pens. As long as the printing process is predictable and repeatable, the engraving uniformity can be guaranteed over the entire width of the cylinder. Because of the high repeatability, the single-shot single-hole laser process is about 10 times faster than electromechanical engraving.

There are many different Laser Engraver substrate materials (such as paper or flexible foil) on the printing market, each with different surface characteristics. The optimization method of ink transfer depends on: substrate surface (such as roughness, ink absorption capacity), ink parameters (such as pigment viscosity or model), and printing plate. For each different situation, different shapes of sculpted mesh cavities can be used to achieve the best. In addition to heat conduction and convection, the cells accurately represent the focal intensity waveform of the laser beam. In order to make each cell reach a specific shape, the three-dimensional intensity waveform of the beam is actively formed in real time, and the frequency controlled by the image data is up to 100 kHz. The overall scheme of this stereo modulation technology.