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Fiber Laser Engraving Machine

In terms of sensing, laser engraver is used in phase-type, wavelength-type, light-intensity and polarization-type fiber-optic sensors. Temperature and pressure can be measured in oil or gas wells; strain can be measured in roads, bridges and hulls; flight health monitoring in aircraft wings; and it can also be used in fiber optic hydrophones and current sensing. On the industrial side, Fiber Laser Engraving Machine has been very successful in the processing and processing of metal and non-metal materials, laser engraving, laser product marking, laser welding, weld seam cleaning, precision drilling and laser graphic art imaging.

In the medical field, lasers have been widely used because of their small size, good fiber flexibility, good beam quality, and the absence of a cooling system. The fiber laser enables shortening the operation time of tissue shedding and photo-induced coagulation: at the same time, the success rate of curing ophthalmic diseases such as corneal forming, myopia, and hyperopia is greatly improved. Fiber Laser Engraving Machine also plays an important role in cosmetic surgery, tumor removal, cancer treatment, and skin diseases. In the military field, high-power lasers are popular because of their high brightness, small irradiation area, and small size. As a weapon, it can accurately aim and strike and destroy targets. In addition, it has important significance in positioning, ranging, remote sensing, tracking guidance, lidar system sensing technology and space technology.