LED Flashlight Reviews
(22)Displaying 1 to 15 (of 22 reviews)

I didn't know flashlights could be this bright. LED technology is amazing! I carry this with me ever

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Good size for EDC use, rather good throw with cold light Good battery, micro-usb charging ri

I bought a NiteCore TM03 CRI 2600 Lumen CREE XHP70 LED Flashlight plus an extra battery and charger.

Superb single cell 18650D tactical light. 40-500-1500-2800 lumen settings, plus variable strobe, wit

This has the solid build quality and useful charging port It is almost as bright as some weaker car

Отличный миниатюрный фонарик. Качественно собран, приятный на ощупь. Очень удобная встроенная зарядк

I was looking for a nice tactical edc light for my truck bag that I’m upgrading. I’m a huge fan of W

Great torch...I am planning to sell my bike to purchase this torch....very usefull if u want to see

Krásná svítilna za nízkou cenu. Excelentní zpracování, luxusní prémiový vzhled. Kvalitní dárková kra

Nice light that includes everything needed to recharge included 16340 Li-on battery. This is the 133

Good quality. Flashlight very bright and pen writes well. Nice option that flashlight is rechargeabl

We use flashlights often and tend to buy a lot of them. This is a great one for walking the dog. The

This is a very well-built flashlight that's made out of high quality material, yet is incredibly lig
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