200mw Laser Cut Christmas Cards
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$38.14 $25.99

$21.59 $21.59

$215.99 $105.99

$288.99 $199.99

$25.00 $25.00

$35.58 $25.58

$42.56 $42.56
Class 3B lasers are usually dangerous under the condition of direct beam observation, but they are usually safe when observing diffuse reflection. In-beam and diffuse reflection observation conditions, stage 4 lasers are dangerous. They can also cause skin damage and fire. There are four main categories of visible beam consumer lasers. Each is described in more detail here: Category 2, Category 3A, Category 3B and Category 4. The first two categories are relatively safe for eye exposure; the last two are dangerous. The following figure shows that the risk of eye injury increases with the increase of laser power.