300mW Green Laser Mouse Resolution
htpow.com prepared the perfect online shopping experience for you. Wanna to buy the new 300mW Green Laser Mouse Resolution now? If you haven’t decided the style yet, then you may take the following product list as reference. The elegant green laser with different color and size will fit most people’s taste. By the good reputation and timely shipping of our company, you may enjoy the wonderful service from us. By a big discount, you will be the lucky one to get top selling 300mW Green Laser Mouse Resolution on cheap.
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Dedicated DC input power supply adopts International universal power interface standard (5.5 * 2.1mm). Most of power can be generic, effective reduce cost. Laser alignment mounting bracket gets features of perfect heating conductivity and flexibility. It allows easy mounting of laser alignment on any vertical or horizontal surfaces. 360 degrees free adjustment helps users obtain the best alignment result.

$533.69 $361.69

$39.82 $39.82

$62.77 $56.49

$65.47 $65.47
Under free running condition, the output power of green DPSS laser has relatively large change in operation. This large variation performance 532nm green DPSS laser system is not able to fulfill the requirement of beam stability of different users. According to active measures, the beam stability always gets extremely high improvement. Within 4 hours continuous beam projection, beam stability of green laser system gets superior performance of as high as ±0.5%. According to advanced photoelectric feedback method of making direct control of LD driving current, green laser beam stability can seriously be improved, thus allowing easy and convenient operation in all work fields.