300mW Green Laser Pointer For Presenter
Purchase the most wonderful 300mW Green Laser Pointer For Presenter in this page, which promises you top quality, adorable price, shipping service. More new green laser pointer arrivals have been provided here for new and old consumers. Products day by day are different but perfect. Buy the cheapest but latest 300mW Green Laser Pointer For Presenter from htpow, one leading lasers wholesaler in China, which offers you best service and delicate products. Once ordered, every single product will be delivered in time as soon as possible. Wish you enjoy shopping online at our shop.
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$499.00 $499.00

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$99.63 $99.63
When users are selecting formal line laser, the maximum line laser lens degree can only be available at 110 degree. When users are in need of extremely long line targeting, htpowlasers develops 360° laser line generator, which is able to generate high straight line in the whole vertical or horizontal surfaces in same working space. The same as other formal line lasers, 360°laser line generator is available with a large variety of wavelength of 515nm, 532nm, 635nm, 650nm, 445nm, and 808nm and 980nm IR lasers etc.
The performance of 360° laser line generator is very special. Although users might quite rich experience with common laser line generator, within 10 degree to 110 degree, laser line can only be reach as long as 6 meters. When laser line generator is equipped with 360 degree glass cylindrical lens, it can generate even longer line in reserved working space.