300mW Green Laser Pointer Pen Stylus
In this page, you will find all kinds of 300mW Green Laser Pointer Pen Stylus with high quality and outstanding design. You could compare them by different sorts. What’s more, we have thousands of other exciting products in our online shop. With worldwide shipping at wholesale prices, htpow.com offers the very best green laser pointer in selection, comfort and affordability. Browse more 300mW Green Laser Pointer Pen Stylus information and choose the one in accordance with your wish. Our professional suggestion and thoughtful care will help you in saving your time. Hope you enjoy a perfect shopping time!
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By adoption of the finest quality green laser diode with glass window design, this green laser line generating laser alignment tool utilizes production skills and tech of telecommunication lasers into industrial laser production. The produced high performance green line laser alignment has just got incomparable advantages in various industrial line generating fields.

$33.75 $33.75

$342.19 $342.19

$23.68 $23.68

$20.01 $20.01

$56.02 $56.02

$52.48 $47.23

$152.31 $152.31
According to exact working distance or height, users should make correct selection of laser wavelength, output power. Usually 360° laser line generator can be designed with formal DC power supply or alkaline battery power supply. According to exact requirement of users, laser tech engineer also enables customize design and manufacturing of this 360° laser line. After very easy connection with electric power source, it begins to work promptly. When users are making correct selection of output power and proper laser line targeting direction, this advanced 360° laser line generator can bring users the most satisfied alignment result as expected.