300mW Green Laser Pointer Picture
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This green line laser alignment projects laser beam in special uniform distribution non gauss light. It can be customized with laser fan angle of 5°,10°,30°,45°,60°,90°, 120°. This advanced alignment laser is widely used industrial devices, precise machinery processing, measurement devices, image treatment system, textile cloth processing etc.

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$584.59 $584.59

$369.97 $369.97
In large variety of industrial precise machinery processing works, high brightness 445nm blue line laser module is widely used in various industrial marking, industrial laser modules, military equipment and apparatus, teaching testing light source, laser medical equipment, stage lighting, and presentation used laser light, and laser positioning devices etc. According to high configuration of import 445nm blue laser diode and qualified glass cylindrical lens or separate crystal lens, blue laser line is always available with extremely high brightness, high straightness on all working surfaces efficiently.