300mW Laser Teaching Pen
Want to buy 300mW Laser Teaching Pen for your friend? This 300mw laser pointer provided on htpow must be what you wanted. Its sleek design and high quality will absolutely satisfy your requirements. Another cool thing is this 300mW Laser Teaching Pen is provided at affordable price, which means you do not need to spend much money on it. Thus, this cheap and awesome product must be an ideal gift for your friend. Also, you can browse our website and buy some other awesome things for yourself.
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$106.64 $63.98

$53.71 $53.71
Just to be clear, the technique is that your friend will aim the laser pointer towards your location. You'll see a flash of light, as if he had aimed a red flashlight at you. One difference is that the beam is narrow enough so that only persons (or animals) looking straight back at the laser will see the flash.
Don't worry about eye injury. The Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance for a 1 mW laser is 24 feet. Plus you will not be staring into a steady light; instead, your friend will be aiming with his hand which is difficult to hold steady on a target. So the beam would be in your eye for only brief instants.