300mW Laser Treatment Pictures
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UV Lasers are highly suitable for scientific and industrial uses as well as OEM applications and other projects that require micro-precision machining. Ultraviolet lasers are also used in cosmetic dentistry mainly to facilitate chemical bonding and bleaching of organic enamels and other procedures. Performing experiments in atomic and molecular spectroscopy and chemical dynamics are just a few examples of what UV lasers are capable of. Ultraviolet lasers emit shorter wavelengths than blue lasers which is capable of producing a data capacity 20 times as dense as the current Blu-ray lasers. Japanese computer hardware manufacturers are hard at work putting UV lasers and ultraviolet diode emitters into computer data storage disk technology, therefore, drastically increasing data storage capabilities.
532nm wavelength lasers have been used in medical research and development since the late 1960's. Medical lasers are in use worldwide and have contributed to countless successful surgeries and procedures. While HTPOW Lasers products are not directly designed for medical use, the 532nm wavelength is a very important part of the medical community and offers a wide range of applications.