500mw Laser Pointer For Presenter
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Purchase the most wonderful 500mw Laser Pointer For Presenter in this page, which promises you top quality, adorable price, shipping service. More new arrivals have been provided here for new and old consumers. Products day by day are different but perfect. Buy the cheapest but latest 500mw Laser Pointer For Presenter from htpow, one leading lasers wholesaler in China, which offers you best service and delicate products. Once ordered, every single 500mw laser pointer product will be delivered in time as soon as possible. Wish you enjoy shopping online at htpow.

$81.13 $81.13

$70.86 $70.86

$104.76 $104.76

$49.99 $49.99
Even though 515nm green laser pointer adopts different light emitting method from 532nm DPSS green laser pointer, however, nothing can prevent the high efficient green light emitting from 515nm green laser diode. 515nm green diode laser pointer is the same visible and bright as 532nm green laser.
5mw green laser pointer belongs to Class iiia laser with 532nm wavelength, uses two aaa batteries. This type of green laser projects 532nm green laser beam with high brightness, so it is extremely dangerous to eyes, especially high powered lasers. In many countries and regions, only allow 5mw green laser pointer.