Astronomy Laser Function Pen
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It is no longer one dream to buy good Astronomy Laser Function Pen in low price nowadays. You can make your dream come true here. All of products are carefully sorted for your convenience. The leading lasers wholesaler, HTPOW, offers magnificent astronomy laser pointers every season in the latest trend, which not only assures you the high quality, but also endows consumers low price or big discount. You would regret missing the latest style, the best quality, the best price and the best service. Check htpow for more products.
How do these two specs relate to each other? and more importantly, why does it matter? It all comes down to how small the end "spot"(the diameter size of your leaser beam) is at certain distances. This is important because you want to point far, far away and because you want to burn stuff, lots of stuff. Common senses tell us that if a laser beam diameter is small, it can go further and burn with more power than if it is big. Ideally, we want to have small beam diameter at aperture AND small beam divergence.
The extent of ocular damage is determined by the laser irradiance, exposure duration, and beam size. As laser retinal burns may be painless and the damaging beam sometimes invisible, maximal care should be taken to provide protection for all persons in the laser suite including the patient, laser operator, assistants, and observers.

$55.01 $55.01

$53.71 $53.71

$99.36 $99.36

$63.39 $63.39

$301.36 $139.99

$396.93 $396.93