Green Laser Used Video
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$40.82 $28.01

$25.64 $23.08

$468.49 $468.49

$119.57 $119.57

$109.86 $76.99

$178.36 $178.36

$75.71 $75.71

$81.06 $81.06

$55.01 $55.01

$592.58 $592.58

$499.00 $499.00
In 1961, the technology of non-linear frequency conversion (frequency, frequency, frequency difference, parameter amplification) was invented, which can output laser with good quality to fixed wavelength. It is difficult or impossible to obtain the wavelength range directly through the conversion of non-linear crystal materials. Therefore, non-linear frequency conversion technology is an important means to broaden the laser output wavelength, and non-linear crystal materials are the technology. Basis. Nonlinear frequency conversion requires phase matching. Under the condition of phase matching, the nonlinear process can achieve maximum conversion efficiency. Birefringence matching and quasi-phase matching are two commonly used phase matching techniques, which are suitable for different green laser indicator systems.