Pens Laser Model Car
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In this page, you can see all kind of Pens Laser Model Car with best service and lowest price. You can see many different sorts. What’s more, we have millions of exciting products in our online shop. You can purchase one in the wholesale price. Browse more pen laser pointers information and choose one according to your wish. If you know have no idea about what’s your want, our professional can suggest one best for you. Why not give one chance for yourself. htpow will not make you disappoint.

$135.18 $135.18

$226.99 $226.99
Each volume of lighting system is 18x10x4cm, a total of 490g remote control, light weight will not increase the burden of riding, the game can also be installed with the car. Despite its tiny green laser tube, the front of the lamp has a brightness of 100 lumens, enough to illuminate the road ahead, and the signal behind it also has a output of 30 lumens. These two lighting systems conform to the IP64 waterproof standard. They can splash water and pour liquid into the shell from any direction. It will not cause any damage, rain or weaken the spray cleaning. The remote control indicator is equipped with 3200 mAh lithium battery, which can be used for two weeks.