Pens Laser Solar Technology
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Cool Pens Laser Solar Technology are provided on our website at high quality and low price. On this page, you can find a wide selection of pen laser pointers. If you need a burning laser, please click here and buy one. HTPOW is a leading online store, which provides all kinds of laser products, such as blue lasers, home engraving machine, laser gloves, lef flashlights, high power lasers and so on. Browse our online website and buy whatever you like, you will not be disappointed!

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Laser oxygen cutting: The principle of high power laser indicator oxygen cutting is similar to that of oxyacetylene cutting. It uses laser as preheating source, oxygen and other reactive gases as cutting gases. On the other hand, molten oxides and molten materials blow out from the reaction zone, forming a gap in the metal. In this way, the gas is oxidized and the heat of oxidation is released. Owing to the large amount of heat generated during the oxidation process, the energy required for laser oxygen cutting is only 1/2 of that for melt cutting, and the cutting speed is much faster than that of laser evaporation cutting and melt cutting. Laser oxygen cutting is mainly used for oxidizable metal materials such as carbon steel, titanium steel and heat treatment steel.