Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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What kind of budget can I buy a satisfactory laser pointer?



How much beam power is appropriate? What is the minimum power for this application? Therefore, since geese usually appear during the day, you need a laser that is visible to them and yourself during the day. Usually, the minimum green 200mW is a starting point, and the brightness is just enough to be used in the daytime. On sunny days, any power below 200mW will be washed away. However, the higher the power, the better. If your budget allows you to reach 500mW or more than 1000mW, you will have a greater impact on sunny days and greater distances. Laser collimation, guidance, and ranging take advantage of the characteristics of good directivity. Although the total energy of the laser is not necessarily large, due to the high concentration of energy, it is easy to generate high pressure and high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius or even millions of degrees Celsius at the micro points. Practical applications such as laser drilling, cutting, welding and laser surgery take advantage of this feature.





Light is an electromagnetic wave. The color of light depends on its wavelength. The light emitted by ordinary light sources usually contains various wavelengths and is a mixture of various colors. Sunlight includes visible light in seven colors of red, yellow, and green, green, blue, and purple, as well as invisible light such as infrared and ultraviolet. One of the things I did was take Kobe to buy toys and even treats. Sometimes I hide snacks in corners or hidden spaces and put red dots on the candy so that he will find some great things, which also improves his confidence level.

2021-11-29 12:37:11

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