The emergence of green laser Pointers will be a major advance in modern laser technology
For now, people are not limited to using low-power laser Pointers to find and appreciate enthusiasts. However, some laser enthusiasts are already paying attention to recommendations for more powerful green laser Pointers. Green laser designator in front of almost 200mW to 10,000MW high performance gadget lasers. The dream of super power laser is not the continuous development and research of laser technology. Achieving this level of performance is quite rare and difficult due to the limitations of laser technology. Providing efficient green laser pointer is not easy for professionals because of the rising temperature of laser crystals. The emergence of green laser Pointers will be a major advance in modern laser technology. Unless it's a brilliant, courageous idea among laser experts, laser talent is almost invisible in this line of laser products. The 635-nm red laser pointer is recommended, and is less visible than the green laser, enough to be formally demonstrated in school education, star positioning and astronomical research. Laser protective glasses are not required. In addition, do not point any type of laser pointer at a moving vehicle, aircraft or aircraft. There's a big, sharp laser beam that temporarily blinds the eye. Whenever people point to a pen-laser device, don't put it in the wrong hands or overuse it.
Another use of lasers in cave exploration is to examine underground pools and streams. If the water inside the cave is clear, use a high powered laser pointer to illuminate the underwater terrain so that people on the surface can see it. This method is not as effective as putting bright light into the water, but can be done from a distance without entering or contaminating the water. In most cases, you should only use a low-power blue laser beam in caves, as it can harm cave creatures, especially bats. Bats are easily disturbed by bright lights, and when disturbed during hibernation tend to grab hold of the ceiling of the cave and fly away, or sometimes leave the cave. With a permanent power output of 1mW, you don't have to worry about school education, university lectures, exhibitions, lectures, astronomy. The 1mW Class II blue laser pointer will not cause damage to the human eye or skin.
2021-12-14 09:56:40
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