How does the laser reach the eyes?
This theory is meaningful on many levels. In fact, there seemed to be solid evidence to support it at the time. When we don’t understand something, where we look first, we usually try to “fit” it into what we do understand. In this case, this is a natural intuitive jump. When we want to feel something, we stretch out our arms to touch it, so why is the vision different? Visible light is the only electromagnetic energy that the human eye can see. White visible light consists of a set of electromagnetic wavelengths. These wavelengths constitute the colors we see. Each color in the visible spectrum has its own wavelength and frequency.All colors seen by the human eye are either transmitted light or reflected light that is a mixture of the three primary colors of red, green, and blue. What makes the green laser pointer safe? Even at very low power, the green laser pointer and the green LASER Blox™ are more pronounced than the red laser pointer. This is because an ordinary green laser pointer emits a monochromatic beam of 532 nanometers, which is very close to 550 nanometers-the most sensitive wavelength for the human eye. In short, it is easier to see green light than red light.
Moreover, there is evidence to support the view that fire is emanating from our eyes. Have you ever seen a deer or other animal have such a "glowing" eye at night? Well, this is the "evidence" of the fire from our eyes-you can see it, can't you? This is where you need to pay attention. The 532nm green high powered laser is produced by pumping an 808nm infrared (IR) beam through a crystal medium, which doubles its frequency to produce a 532nm green beam. At 808nm, the human eye cannot see the IR beam, so it is not protected from sight reflections. Therefore, if the infrared beam escapes from the aperture, it will cause damage to the eyes. High-quality infrared filters can prevent such escapes and make the green laser pointer safe.
2021-12-22 11:32:26
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