Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Laser pointer holographic technology

Ordinary photography uses the principle of lens imaging to record the light intensity distribution of the diffusely reflected light of the subject on a "negative film" (nowadays the film can be digitized) to obtain a two-dimensional plane image. The relationship between objects and images in ordinary photography corresponds to dots. As long as the negative film is damaged, the image cannot be reproduced. Ordinary photography does not require high requirements for the external environment, and photography can be performed under general conditions. green laser pointer can also take pictures, and in addition to recording the intensity distribution of the diffusely reflected light of the subject, it can also record the interference information of the diffusely reflected light. The "holographic image" obtained with these two types of information is better than ordinary images. The subject will be more "fine", "rich" and "comprehensive". This is the laser holographic technology, and it has many wonderful applications. What is a "holographic dry board"? It is made of glass. One side is coated with a layer of viscous photosensitive agent. Under the irradiation of red or green laser, the photosensitive agent attached to it will be exposed to record the fine and dense interference fringes received by the dry plate. , The light intensity distribution. The second important feature of the hologram is that the whole picture is given with knowledge and belief. If the hologram is damaged, even if it is damaged, we can still take less than half of the remaining photos, which can be seen on the holographic image of the original object. The general picture does not go up, even if it is a missing angle, it can only be seen on the screen.



What information is there in the interference fringes recorded by the "holographic dry plate"? If only the object light is diffusely reflected, the dry plate records a general plane photo of the object. If the dry plate receives the reflected light of the object and the reference laser at the same time, the dry plate records interference fringes, and the interference fringes have diffuse reflection of the existing object light. Intensity information, there is also the phase information of diffuse reflected light (because there is no interference fringes without phase difference), it also contains information such as the size, shape, brightness and contrast of the recorded object. Therefore, the interference fringes recorded on the "holographic dry plate" are the hologram of the subject. The third feature of holograms is that in a holographic film, multiple holograms can be superimposed after recording, but they will not interfere with each other during display. It is this layered disk that enables holographic memory to process large amounts of information. The laser wavelength of the green laser aiming device is 530nm. According to the holographic film, it can be special glass or latex, such as crystal or thermoplastic.

2021-12-30 13:27:24

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