Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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The difference between laser projector and ordinary projector

The study of astronomy. Powerful green light-a great way to specify the stars you want. On a moonless night, the pointer is clearly visible in the starry sky. This is why many amateur astronomers use rays to demonstrate or describe celestial bodies. In addition, laser beams are used for telescope alignment. This is the biggest difference between laser projectors and traditional projectors. Ordinary projectors mostly use ultra-high pressure pump bulbs, and the bulb life is 5000 hours, which is about 2 years of use. Once the bulb reaches the end of its life, there will be a certain degree of light source failure, lower contrast, etc. At this time, you will either replace the bulb or the projector. At present, the high-quality ultra-high-pressure pump bulbs on the market are nearly 1,000 yuan each, and the maintenance cost is relatively large. The green laser pointer projector directly reflects the light of the laser host into the eyes of the audience, and the required projection distance is small, so it has a better anti-light performance.



From a laser safety point of view, with the development of new diode lasers that produce light at 670, 650 and 640 nm, the situation has become more complicated. As the wavelength emitted by the diode laser becomes shorter, the power level remains at 5 mW. The pointer favored by stargazers uses a neodymium diode high powered laser, which emits a green beam with a wavelength of 532 nanometers. At a given power setting, this laser appears to be much brighter than the more common diode laser, which produces a red beam with a wavelength greater than 630 nm. The reason is simple: the human eye is much more sensitive to green light than to red light. Even though we supervise and test laser pointers to ensure they stay below 1 milliwatt, most of the devices you can buy from direct distributors who sell them with the best knowledge are incorrectly marked as safe, but they There are risks. The special appearance of the 650nm red laser beam will bring you a completely different experience when aiming at such a red laser in the dark. The 5mW red laser pointer projects the purest red light on various occasions. Unlike green lasers that are as sensitive to the naked eye, this low-power red laser pointer is already sufficient for star display, constellations, astronomical research, bird watching, school teaching and exhibitions.

2022-01-03 08:42:35

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