Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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The working intensity of the laser pointer

I think this laser pointer works 1000mW it's much simpler than some of the other reviewers. It has a half-plug and a full-click (I think the digital camera focuses, half, and then takes a picture with it, full-click), which is very fast and reliable in my use. The green laser is also large and is the most commonly used mode. I don't have to worry about using this high power laser pointer for presentations (10mW) to perform duties. Also, the fact that it takes 123 seconds is perfect. I've had bad experiences with rechargeable batteries, let alone replacing them with disposable ones. The laser pointer is just an emergency EDC in case the lights go out for a long time, or the room breaks down on the dark side of the highway in the middle of the night; but most's the cat's job when they're out and about with my 2 year old son "Camp Bath Time".



The laser pointer 200mW has an impressive focus. The firing pin is pulled out, changing the distance of the magnifying glass. You can control wide variations in spot size. The only downside to this green laser pointer is the lack of a pressure switch bracket. I ordered this baby thinking normal remote JETLASERS would work, but read a few other pages it didn't. After a few weeks of minimal use, the green laser pointer lost power output again. It has a clip to attach to the belt and also comes with a holster. You can use this thing to blind intruders and it's also programmable. I haven't tried it, but if not, I don't want to be the money. Or maybe the ratio refers to the ratio of power output per unit area, but there are no units on the chart to give you a clue.

2022-01-22 10:34:12

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