Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Solve the problem of can lasers blind you?



After the Laser pointer is irradiated, due to the stimulation of the retina, it will take a while to recover. During this period, you will feel uncomfortable, but because it is not an infection, you don't need antibiotic eye drops. Although the energy is very low, the laser has a very good focus. If you stare directly at it, the damage to the visual sensor cells on the retina is still great. After the optic nerve cell is irradiated with strong light, the visual pigment is consumed immediately. If the cell itself is not burned, it will take a long time to synthesize and recover. Even the usual light bulbs, often staring at them, can cause macular degeneration.





There are two types of blinding damage to infrared guided weapons by laser weapons. One is the damage to the optical components in the guidance system, and the other is the damage to the detectors in the guidance system. The harm of laser pointers should not be underestimated. A small laser pointer can instantly ignite a match and break the balloon. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has issued a consumer reminder, pointing out that among children's products with greater safety risks, the laser pointer ranks first, and its thermal effect will harm the eyes and skin. Consumers should purchase laser pointers through formal channels, and avoid buying products without laser radiation category information, brand models, and warning instructions. Parents should not buy laser pointers as toys for children, and at the same time, they should publicize relevant knowledge of laser radiation hazards to children. Consumers should operate the laser pointer correctly and avoid laser irradiating the eyes, skin, clothes and other places of the human body.

2021-09-18 06:27:29

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