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Burning laser pointer manufacturing method



There are many different ways to obtain a burning laser pointer, no matter which method is used, it will produce a handheld laser that can generate enough heat to ignite objects and paper and other materials. The two most commonly used methods are to modify or "modify" the green laser pointer, the more powerful Class 3 laser pointer, and the construction of a handheld laser with a flashlight box and a laser diode similar to a digital versatile disc (DVD)) burner. No matter which method is used, the resulting burning laser can be very dangerous, and you must be extra careful when handling purchased items.





A combustion laser is a laser that can generate enough energy to burn something. For example, you can use it to light paper, light matches, or even burn objects such as rope or thin plastic. These are usually hand-held and should be considered as potentially hazardous like weapons. Although standard laser pointers should never be aimed at creatures, especially the eyes of humans or animals, this is even more so than when the laser is turned on. Even a brief interaction between a person’s eyes and this laser can easily lead to permanent retinal damage, leading to blindness. One of the easiest ways to make a burning laser is to modify the standard handheld laser pointer. The Green laser pointer is usually used because it is usually already very powerful. Modifications may damage the laser pointer. Even if done correctly, the resulting product will usually drain the battery quickly and burn the laser itself quickly. You should take this into consideration before attempting to modify your own laser pointer, and it should not be done with expensive pointers.

2021-09-28 09:42:27

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