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The speed of light is super-passing speed?



The Laser pointer has a range, don't just think about the ideal state, the laser can only adapt to the range of the earth, leaving the earth is not a concept. Besides, isn't the movement of the laser moving at the speed of the person? Where can it be faster? It should be a circle. The speed of light on the earth has not yet reached because of gravity. But there is a possibility that there are elements in space that can be used effectively, such as the explosion of a planet, which can exceed the speed of light.





The speed of light is not a vector. The connotation of the speed of light is c = wavelength x frequency. From Michelson to the present, all light speed measurements are the product of the two, not measuring the distance traveled by photons or light pulses or wavefronts per unit of time (that is, their speed). Therefore, the speed of light is not the vector speed of photons or light pulses. The reason is that the speed of light is the phase speed of light waves, and light waves cannot be regarded as particles, so the speed of light and vector speed cannot be added or subtracted. The photon or light pulse or wavefront can be regarded as particles, which have a certain position at a certain time, so it is a vector velocity, which can be added and subtracted.

2021-10-06 09:48:17

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