Does the dog want to chase the laser pointer too?
Dogs (and some cats) instinctively chase these bright red dots only because they are moving. This movement automatically stimulates their natural prey, which is why rodents and rabbits and other low food chain animals often freeze in place as a survival strategy. Although dogs are not so picky about colors, their eyes contain a large number of light-sensitive cells called rods, which are used for first-class motion detection.
Dogs can have a phobia of anything, such as a pair of special leather boots, or a certain wild cat at the door of the house, and even fear all humans! Out of the instinct of chasing prey, Wang Xingren also think that there are also cats that have the meaning of laser pointers. Laser pointers can be said to be one of the cats’ favorite toys to play with, regardless of whether the cat is hiding under the sofa or can’t catch it. In the corner, as soon as the Laser pointer is turned on, the little red dot is immediately attracted, making it easier to grasp it. Seeing the red dots emitted by the laser pointer, they will chase them madly.
2021-10-13 11:41:56
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