Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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High-power laser pointer burns matches instantly


Daytime laser use: During the daytime use, it is recommended to use a high-power green laser. At the same mW intensity, the green laser is green because it is 5-7 times brighter than any other color laser. When used during the day, at least 200mW is required under 532nm green light, and the higher the power, the better. Use laser at night: Here you can choose the color and output power of the beam more freely. The laser looks much brighter at night than during the day, so it is very flexible. The range suitable for night use is a green laser beam of 30 mW or higher. But even a low power like 5mW will look at night.




How much power is needed for combustion? This is where most users are unfamiliar with the specifications and statistics required for laser pointer recommendations to be certified as high power laser pointer lasers. At least 200mW of wattage is required to generate enough heat to illuminate matches, burst balloons, etc. Lasers smaller than 200 mW have no risk of burning.

2021-10-14 12:52:01

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