Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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How much green laser light can cause an injury



In many cases, you may not have access to the green laser which caused an exposure — so you would not know the power of the laser. Even if there is a label on the laser, stating either the maximum power or the laser’s Class, the label may be incorrect. If at all possible, retain the laser so its output power and characteristics can be tested.






Whether laser exposure to your eye will result in an injury depends on a number of factors

These include:

the power of the beam
the divergence (beam spread)
distance from the beam (how much the beam was able to spread before going into your eye)
wavelength of the laser (different colors and wavelengths affect different parts of the eye)
time of exposure (how long it was in the eye)
movement of the laser light across the eye (did it stay on one spot, or did it quickly scan over the eye)
which eye structure(s) absorbed the laser light (retina for visible light, cornea or lens for infrared or ultraviolet)
location of the blue laser pointer light on the eye (e.g., central vision vs. peripheral vision)
whether the laser light was created continuously (CW) or was pulsed

2022-02-11 10:09:03

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